For most people, one of the first things you were taught as a kid was how to share with others. Sharing is caring, right? It turns out that the older we get, the less we remember the teachings of our youth. In the design world, we are constantly reliant on the data of others, and they're reliant on us. We live in a world where many people are still working locally and emails still reign supreme. Cloud tools have unlocked the possibilities of collaboration, but if everyone isn't contributing, these tools are no better than the email threads of the past. A design mistake costs a lot less than a construction mistake, and good data-sharing practices can mitigate many mistakes from making their way into construction. Out of these concepts and challenges, some major questions arise: When and how do we share with others? How often should we share? And how do we make sure that all project information is available to everyone? These are the questions we hope to answer, and we hope you'll join us to learn more!
Key Learnings
- Learn about when teams should be sharing data with one another throughout a project's lifecycle.
- Learn why data sharing is important to a project, and discover all of the challenges that a lack of transparency can cause.
- Learn about educating on how and where people can be regularly collaborating and sharing data across a project.
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